Tabung Elektronik

Saturday, March 12, 2011

I LOVE YOU A MILLION, DEARIE AINI. strong ok :) i know its hard for you to smile lately. i know this isnt a good start for you. hopefully abes sem ni wawa bule refresh balik. da nak abes sem da wawa. sume ni akan berakhir. till that, i hope you can cheer up. have fun. wawa tabah ok?

sume ni pengalaman as a student kn. hopefully next next sem wawa akan lebih cerie. and takde masalah2 cmni da. ape yang da belaku jd kn pengajaran. thats the best. kadang2 masalah tu bukan datang dari kte. tapi kte yang tepakse tanggung bebannye. this isnt fair. but nothing we can do about it. its good yang wawa da redha. serahkan pade Allah s.w.t. yang penting kte da wat yang tebaek :)

like for me, ade my groupmate copy paste untuk presentation. and madam perasan. i was very angry bcoz ive put milllions effort for that. tapi cmni la dunie. theres nothing we can do when we are facing this kind of people. nak gado kang, tak matang pulak.

wawa sabar eh. i understand that you cant help to listen to anyone else problem. since yours have given you such a burden. i will always pray that Allah s.w.t. will protect you. sabar ok dear :) love you :)

wo aini. ;)

Ukhwah Fillah Abadan Abada dearie.


Anonymous said...

haha. yeay! teke dengan tepat nye! saje nak tengok wawa kenal tak sape yang komen tu. huhu.

NajwaZin said...

I know your cara penulisan. ;)