Tabung Elektronik

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

OCTOBER BABY; 29th Oct 2013

Assalamualaikum wrt

Now, I am announcing the arrival of my cute boy, Mr J Junior (no name yet). 
Can you sense a happy auntie here? :D

My mom is very happy granny yesterday, to the extend she skipped her school which is ponteng sekolah is not her routine lah. Very workaholic one. 
Aku ni horlick je lebih. :P

 Suka lah tu dapat pegang dulu cucunya. :P

 Pandangan budak ni memang sesuatu. Macam tengah berfikir. Mungkin terkenang makcik dia yang tengah bekerja ni HAHA.

 Warghhhh! I wanna Milk! Milk!

Si kecil ni, dilahirkan dengan berat 3.56kg. 
Amboi, berat sangat. 
Kaki makan cam haku. Gebu cam haku. hehe

All relatives commented (in the Facebook) ; "macam baby besar dah"

 This is his mother. 

Isnin pagi dah warded sebab mula turun darah. 
I don't know how it looked like. Nanti aku pregnant sendiri esok, aku bagitahu hehe

Alhamdulillah J Junior was born normal. Even though he is big, the doctor insisted to has in normal way, not through cesarean. 

My bro-in-law told us, my sister's legs was shaking because she was trying so hard to push but this tiny creature couldnt get out. 

Sedih dengar. T_T

However, the process was eased by Allah swt.

Maka keluarlah bayi yang sempurna ini untuk ditatapi manusia lain di sekelilingnya.

MUMM doakan anakanda menjadi insan soleh.
You better do good deeds forever eh HEHE
Its important in order to get His blessing, rahmah and barakah.

p/s: Waiting for the second baby. :)

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